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Past Projects
Visual Examples
Bin Store Construction
On this project we were selected to build a new contemporary bin and recycling store. with the growth of the block so does the the waste. with this design we were able to work closely with the property mangers and the directors using there input to create this project
Roof Repair
With this project we were instructed by a local block management company to source and reapir the rubber roof membrane. This was a tricky job with the added danger of the height but with all H/S followed we were able to over come and make the repair
If you’d like more information about our past projects, please get in touch and someone will gladly assist you.
Projects: Projects
Past Projects
Visual Examples
Projects: Projects
Balcony Membrane replacement
Kitchen Replacement
Roof Replacment
Stone repointing.
Full property repoint with tuck work features
Full garden wall repoint with brick clean
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